Week 5 One Room Challenge

Wow, we are at week 5 of The One Room Challenge already! I’m a bit behind on writing this post, I’m ready for decorations now, but was wanting on a few deliveries to arrive to get the ball rolling.

One Room Challenge

If you’re just coming on board you can follow my front room progress here week 1 | week 2 |week 3 | week 4

painted gumball machine

This week I gave my thrift store gum-ball machine a makeover, I flipped back and forth on what colour to paint it. I can’t believe I chose pink, this whole room is turning into a pretty in pink room!

Making drapes One Room Challenge week 5

By the end of the week, the fabric order from Maxwell Fabrics arrived! I went right into drapery making mode.

Things in the front room are really starting to shape up now! Please visit next Wednesday to see the final One Room Challenge Reveal.

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One Comment

  1. Virginia! This is so much fun! Love the colour palette, the decor, and the FURNITURE! Holy smokes friend

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