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Yarn Ball Wreath- Day#4 The 12 Days of Door Decor


Welcome to Day #4 of the 12 Days of Door Decor. I’m so happy to share todays project with you. Although not a new idea (just Google it, you’ll find about 4000 variations) I couldn’t resist making one too!  I love to knit, and as any knitter or crafter knows buying yarn is just as fun as the craft itself. Plus this wreath is a great way to use up ends left over after your project is complete.  Without further a due, here is Day #4.






How do you put it together?

1. Wind yarn around various sizes of styrofoam balls, hot glueing the loose end to secure. (approx. 40 balls)



You may be asking yourself “why go to the trouble of the toothpick?” (I asked myself this very question) But… by putting them on a toothpick they become reposition-able, they don’t make a hot gluey mess if you use too much glue, and because I made these to sell I am confident that they aren’t going to fall off.

I hope you enjoyed Fynes Designs version of the Yarn Ball wreath! Whats up tomorrow? A bit of Glittery business you won’t want to miss!


Missed day 1,2,3? Check them out below

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  1. elizabeth roefs says:

    I own the blue and silver one, my boyfriend got it for me last year at Summerset Craft Fair, I absolutely love it and your stuff!!

    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth, I’m glad I could help spiff up your door for the holidays!

  2. I love, love, love this idea! I’m in idea heaven right now. So many possibilities!
    Thank you!
    Happy Crafting❣

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