A Little Bit of News

Oh my goodness we’re 20 days into the month! I can’t believe how January is flying by… and I’ve only posted twice. Maybe you’re thinking what is the girl up to, she’s fallen off the radar!

Not quite… but almost.

I’ve been working really hard on a few secret projects (then add school commitments and dieting on top of that) and the days just seem to be flying by.

I have a few exciting things going on that I just had to share, and one not so exciting bit of news, but I’ll start with the happy news…

My secret project- I’ve been working on is a little partnership with Hazel and Ruby.  Since its secret (I had to sign a disclosure saying so) I can’t really tell you anything about it (sorry thats such a neener, neener, neener thing to say) but I did snap a photo of the process and I just had to tell you how crazy excited I am to let the cat out of the bag!

Hazel and Ruby project

It doesn’t look like much, but when it all comes together it is going to be fantastic! I have two major pieces of the puzzle to put together by my Jan 30 deadline so forgive me if I’m not back to regular posting by then!

News #2– Starting right away I’ll be joining forces with Pittsburgh Paints Voice of Color team to bring you some great projects and room makeovers, color inspiration, and even some outings! I’m over the top to be behind this company. I’ve been using their paint for about 10 years, and even worked at the paint counter when I first got out of decorating school. I love these guys and can’t wait to bring you lots of news, photos, and tips, dripping in delicious color!

You can see some of the projects I’ve worked on with VOC in the past- Bathroom Makeover, and Modern Farmhouse Kitchen.

News #3- This year I am teaming up with Scrapbook and Cards Today as a regular contributor. I’ll have my own little show “Craft it Monday with Fynes Designs” you can catch my project there the last Monday of each month, starting next week!

And last but not least, my sad news... Since the New Year I decided its time that Fynes Designs needs to be a legit business, but the government man tells me that Fynes Designs isn’t a good name.

Rejection :(

Apparently there is a Fine Design out there and we can’t have a similar name (tear, no seriously I actually cried) Now what am I to do, what do I call my business? I never thought in a million years it would be an issue, after all there are only a handful on Fynes around. I am stumped, and ideas?

So that is where I stand this month, not avoiding just crazy busy. I have a little office makeover in the works, all that fun is coming your way!

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  1. SO much going on! How exciting for you.

    I had a problem with my name when I started my design company as well. I wanted it to be The Drawing Room but it was used…so I ended up going with Drawbridge Creative.

    What about Virginia Fynes Designs?

    1. Thanks Colleen, its nice to hear that someone else was in the same boat, and for the suggestion. That sounds good, I’m so stuck on Fynes Designs that I can’t even think outside the box.

  2. Virginia,

    What about Design Fyne?

  3. What if you stuck a word in the middle… like Fynes Creative Designs, or something like that on official government-y stuff? But went with Fynes Designs as your common name? This got my wheels turning. Congrats on all the other stuff though!

    1. That’s a GREAT idea, I’m still going to stick with Fynes Designs. Thanks for visiting!

  4. Hi, Virginia!
    Congrats on your new partnerships & projects!! I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve been doing!
    That is a real bummer about your name being rejected; I always thought it was rather unique … but I believe everything happens for a reason. I expect that you’ll come up with something even more awesome!! You just wait and see – when the time is right, the perfect name will reveal itself.

    1. Thanks so much for your positive vibes Jaime, I’ve got my thinking cap on!

  5. My Fyne Designs might work.

  6. Bill suggested “designs by fyne “I had to change mine also when I started.

  7. How exciting about the new opportunities. I too will be an ambassador for a paint brand this coming year, furniture paint though. The 2 positives still outweigh the negative about your name. What about Fynes Creative Designs or Fynes Creative Designs & Lifestyle if it needs to be that much more different. You could even still use your logo and just add to it.

    1. Thanks Lucy, those are great suggestions! I think my blog will still stay Fynes Designs, I’m too deep into it now! So many things to consider. Good luck with your paint partnership, so much fun!!

  8. First off, CONGRATULATIONS!! Fantastic news on your new teams. 🙂

    I agree with Colleen. I had a business in my early days and the easiest way to make a go of it was to use my full name, so it was Claudine Laforce Communications. There is very little chance that someone will have your full name in conjunction with Designs. Why don’t you give that a go?

  9. Michelle Johnson says:

    What about “Designs by Fynes” ? It’s a shame to have to do away with the name, it has such a nice ring 🙂

  10. Wow, you go girl!!! Congratulations on all these amazing opportunities!

    As for the name – can you change it legally but keep everything else as is? Maybe just go with a numbered company for all the tax/business stuff with an O/A Fynes Design tagged onto the end?

    1. I think that is what it might come to Heather, I don’t need it for much other than invoicing. I won’t be rebranding my blog, I like the name too much, as vague as it is!

  11. Love your designs and creative ideas! Thanks for sharing them! How about “Designs So Fyne” for your business name?

  12. HI Virginia,
    This is Aaron’s wife, Laura. I just had to comment when I saw that your business name was rejected. Aaron and I had the same thing happen to us last week. We decided after 8 or more years of farming it was time to register our farm name-CanaanLand Pastured Products. It was rejected because it was to similar to something else. Grrrr!! Anyway, all that to say that we feel your pain:-)

    1. Thanks Laura, Isn’t is crazy! For such a small province you’d think this process would be easier

  13. Gosh you are going to be busy but I know you can balance it all because your creativity and talents are so natural for you. I really like Heather’s suggestion about keeping the blog name but using a different name for the business side. Congratulations on all of your growth and fabulous opportunities!

  14. Oh Virginia – you’re killing it, lady! I’m so excited for you and your partnerships.

    Boo to the name snafu. There has to be a way to get that sorted!

    Can’t wait to see what you create!

  15. WOOHOO! Congrats on all of the fab partnerships, Virginia. You deserve all of the awesomeness that comes your way. I hope you are able to sort out the name thing & I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve this year!

    1. Thanks so much Christina! I’m so excited to get this year rolling!!

  16. So, so excited for all these opportunities, Virginia! I can’t wait to see what you’re up to but I know it will be amazing! Sad for your about your blog name but I know you’ll come up with something great! Xo

  17. How about
    So Fynes Designs

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