Scrapbooking Weekend Recap #FynesFun

Wowza how time flies! Its been nearly 2 weeks since I hosted the Fynes Fun Scrapbooking Weekend. I’ve been so busy (and still trying to get out of hurricane behind mode). Today I have some photos to share that are going to make you wonder why you missed this over the top fun weekend!

glitter letters from #mymindseye

To start I need to give a big thank you to the ladies that set aside a weekend out of their busy summer schedules to come hang with me. We had so much fun! And of course an even BIGGER thank you to the sponsors that helped make the weekend possible! Without the goodies from Darice, Xyron, May Arts Ribbon, Avery Elle My Minds Eye, and My Stamping Studio I would have had some pouty ladies on my hands!

Help yourself to some scrapbooking supplies

Darice sent us some lovely goodie bags which were at each seat, but then the ladies got to fill up on their own stash from the treat table!

Mason jar pin cushion

Did you hear me mention prizes? Oh yeah, there was a lot of winning going on around there! Wonderful surprises from our great sponsors.

Prize table

You can just never have too many pom poms and paper lanterns!


Everyone “working” so hard on all their projects!

scapbooking ladies #fynesfun

Everyone got to participate in a few classes I planned. Unfortunately two of the projects walked off before I got to photograph them.

#fynesfun projects

This contest was hard to choose a winner, so many great name tags, really stole the show from the May Arts Ribbon!

May Arts Ribbon name tags

When the ladies got dry and needed to refuel, they just stepped on over to get a sip of Creative Juice.

Creative Juice table

What’s a cool beverage with out a real sweet treat?! Or better yet, whats a girls weekend without a dessert table!

Sweet treats dessert table

Feast your eyes on these babies

vanilla bean cheesecake with raspberry sauce

Vanilla bean cheesecake with raspberry sauce and Cream puffs (a personal fav). Made by my lovely Aunt Debbie (love that lady, xox).

Dessert table at #fynesfun scrapbooking weekend

ok, you can wipe your drool now.

scrapbooking ladies

The weekend went off without a hitch! Thanks again to our generous sponsors DariceXyronMay Arts RibbonAvery Elle My Minds Eye, and My Stamping Studio. I hope to see everyone again next summer, thank you for the continued support.

Scrapbooking weekend #fynesfun

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  1. Seriously Virginia I had so much fun at this! The FREE classes were awesome, the food was delicious and the whole weekend was relaxed and fun! Thanks for all the hard work you put into it!!!!! I will definitely be there again next year. 🙂

  2. Also, this reminds me I need to go thank all the sponsors on their facebook pages!

  3. I had a fantastic time at the crop! Great scrapbooking, great people, great food, great prizes from Darice, Xyron, May Arts Ribbon, Avery Elle, My Minds Eye, and My Stamping Studio, great classes…a great time all around!

    Thank you! Can’t wait to register for next year’s crop!

  4. Virginia, this particular weekend is the highlight of my year! You heard me!! I look so forward to going to this, being around a bunch of women who love being creative, eating yours and Debbie’s delicious food, shopping and just plain kicking back and laughing. What better way to spend a weekend?!

    1. Thanks Cheryl, It’s one of my favourites, it just wouldn’t be the same without my regular ladies!

  5. I’m so sad I missed it!!!

  6. It was a great weekend full of fun, lots of laughs and one of my favorite hobbies, eating…I mean scrapbooking.

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